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Continued Celebration of GRIT

"Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul - and sings the tunes without the words - and never stops at all". -Emily Dickinson


The above number reflects the number of teen births in Missouri (2014) the 15-19 year old age group. There has been a - 9% drop in teen births since 2011 which is definitely a positive step in the right direction. But what becomes of the young woman forced into early adulthood after conceiving and later delivering a baby? How can a child be adequately prepared for all that motherhood is? Even at my age (and perhaps it is because I am childless), I cannot fathom single parenthood, much less having to tackle the job at an age when one cannot even legally purchase alcohol.

In 2014, there were 5,232 new teen mothers aged 15-19 in the state of Missouri. Keeping in tune with this week's desire to provide education about issues effecting our community, I decided the best way to do that today is to highlight an organization that in my opinion, is the very embodiment of hope realized. Every viable media outlet dedicates on the hour news reports on what plagues the entire world, and I get it, we need to be in the know. But, and there is always a but, sometimes it is nice to hear about the good that sometimes grows from tumultuous soil.

As we are approaching the holiday season, the Majestic Home Healthcare family decided that we wanted to contribute to a local

charity we believe in, and is making a real impact in the lives of the community. So, I set about researching. I was maybe forty minutes into this task when a certain charity's name jumped right off the page at me. After reading the Mission Statement, I was easily sold. To help combat the disparity of teen motherhood, Almost Home has taken on the task of not only providing shelter to young mothers in need, they do so on multiple levels, and with panache. As the 15-19 group is at greatest risk for teen pregnancy,the young women that participate are quickly placed on the "Path out of Poverty". The end goal? Self-sufficiency. As opposed to just offering a three hots and a cot, Almost Home provides counseling, childcare, education, employment training, and fostering a foundation for continued growth, success, and GRIT. These young ladies receive up to eight years of support from the organization, so they're not just thrown out into the cold without continued support. Simply put? Bravo.

It is with honor that beginning on Monday October 24th, 2016, Majestic Home Healthcare will be campaigning on behalf of Almost Home. We are asking for all that can, DO. If you know firsthand the struggles of teen parenthood or simply want to help in breaking the harmful cycle of poverty, donate! We are accepting canned goods in all varieties as well as other non-perishable items. We are also asking for household goods for these astounding young ladies as they transition into their own homes. Gift Cards for the following establishments would also fulfill a wish!


Children’s Place

Forever 21

Visa gift cards


Finish Line

Wet Seal



Famous Footwear


Old Navy




Also accepting Visa and Mastercard Prepaid Cards

Majestic Home Healthcare's campaign will run for 9 weeks (Dec 19th)

Don't look at your donation as an opportunity to give back. Instead see it for what it really is; planting a seed of hope for generations to come.

Call the office if you need directions on where to drop off your donations!

See How Almost Home is changing lives!

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